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- /*
- * Linux clgd547x/Mesa interface.
- *
- * v0.1 - Peter McDermott (pmcdermo@cs.utexas.edu)
- *
- * notes:
- * TODO: texture mapping, stenciling, stippling, fog. (and many more)
- *
- * bugs:
- * see TODOs. Try grepping the source tree for -PFM or TODO to get an
- * idea of things that have changed
- */
- #ifdef MONDELLO
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include "mondello/clgd547x.h"
- #include "mondello/graphics.h"
- #include "mondello/cmesa.h"
- #include "context.h"
- #include "types.h"
- #include "xform.h"
- #include "macros.h"
- #include "vb.h"
- #include "texture.h"
- /* #define DEBUG_CMESA */
- struct clgd547x_mesa_context {
- struct gl_context *glctx; /* the core Mesa context */
- GLint width, height; /* size of color buffer */
- GLint depth; /* bits per pixel (8,16,24 or 32) */
- GLboolean rgb_flag; /* rgb or ci mode */
- GLboolean db_flag; /* double buffering avail */
- GLuint index; /* current color index */
- GLint red,green,blue,alpha; /* current rgb color */
- GLuint rmult, gmult, bmult, amult;
- GLuint pixel; /* 8bpp: white */
- GLuint clearpixel; /* 8bpp: black */
- GLuint clearr; /* 24bpp: r,g,b triple used to clear buff */
- GLuint clearg;
- GLuint clearb;
- GLuint cleara;
- unsigned long color_table[256]; /* used for dithering in 8pp -TODO: fix */
- GLubyte red_table[65536];
- GLubyte blue_table[65536];
- GLubyte green_table[65536];
- };
- static clgd547xMesaContext clgd547xMesa = NULL; /* the current context */
- /* taken from xmesaP.h */
- #define _R 5
- #define _G 9
- #define _B 5
- #define _DX 4
- #define _DY 4
- #define _D (_DX*_DY)
- #define _MIX(r,g,b) (((r)*_G+(g))*_B+(b))
- #define _DITH0(C,c) (((unsigned)((_D*(C-1)+1)*c)) >> 12)
- #define LOOKUP( R, G, B ) \
- clgd547xMesa->color_table[_MIX(_DITH0(_R, (R)), \
- _DITH0(_G, (G)), \
- _DITH0(_B, (B)))]
- static points_func choose_points_function( void );
- static void NULL_points( GLuint first, GLuint last);
- static void size1_rgba_points( GLuint first, GLuint last);
- static void mono_size1_rgba_points( GLuint first, GLuint last);
- static void size1_ci_points( GLuint first, GLuint last);
- static void mono_size1_ci_points( GLuint first, GLuint last);
- static void sizen_rgba_points( GLuint first, GLuint last);
- static void mono_sizen_rgba_points( GLuint first, GLuint last);
- static void sizen_ci_points( GLuint first, GLuint last);
- static void mono_sizen_ci_points( GLuint first, GLuint last);
- static line_func choose_line_function( void );
- static void NULL_line( GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv);
- static void size1_rgba_smooth_line(GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv);
- static void size1_ci_smooth_line( GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv );
- static void size1_rgba_flat_line( GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv);
- static void mono_size1_rgba_flat_line( GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv);
- static void size1_ci_flat_line( GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv );
- static void mono_size1_ci_flat_line( GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv );
- static void sizen_line( GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv );
- static void mono_sizen_line( GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv );
- static polygon_func choose_polygon_function( void );
- static void NULL_polygon( GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv);
- static void rgba_smooth_polygon( GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv);
- static void dith_smooth_polygon( GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv);
- static void ci_smooth_polygon( GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv );
- static void rgba_flat_polygon( GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv);
- static void mono_rgba_flat_polygon( GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv);
- static void dith_flat_polygon( GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv);
- static void ci_flat_polygon( GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv );
- static void mono_ci_flat_polygon( GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv );
- void alloc_depth_buffer(void);
- void clear_depth_buffer(void);
- void read_depth_span( GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y, GLfloat depth[] );
- void write_index_span_z( GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y, GLdepth z[],
- GLuint index[], GLenum primitive );
- void write_monoindex_span_z( GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y, GLdepth z[],
- GLuint index, GLenum primitive );
- void write_color_span_z( GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y, GLdepth z[],
- GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],
- GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[],
- GLenum primitive );
- void write_monocolor_span_z( GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y, GLdepth z[],
- GLint r, GLint g, GLint b, GLint a,
- GLenum primitive );
- void write_texture_span_z( GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y, GLdepth z[],
- GLfloat s[], GLfloat t[],
- GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],
- GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[],
- GLenum primitive );
- /*
- * Convert Mesa window Y coordinate to VGA screen Y coordinate:
- */
- #define FLIP(Y) (clgd547xMesa->height-(Y)-1)
- /**********************************************************************/
- /***** Miscellaneous functions *****/
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Taken from XMesa1.c
- * Setup RGB rending for a window with a PseudoColor, StaticColor,
- * GrayScale or StaticGray visual. We try to allocate a palette of 225
- * colors (5 red, 9 green, 5 blue) and dither to approximate a 24-bit RGB
- * color. While this function was originally designed just for 8-bit
- * visuals, it has also proven to work from 4-bit up to 16-bit visuals.
- * The fact that this method works for gray scale displays depends on
- * XAllocColor allocating a good gray to approximate an RGB color.
- * Dithering code contributed by Bob Mercier.
- */
- static int setup_dithered_color( clgd547xMesaContext c )
- {
- int r, g, b, i,index;
- GLuint red, blue, green;
- index=0;
- if (c->depth<4 || c->depth>16) return;
- assert( c->depth>=4 && c->depth<=16 );
- /* This is a hack for GLUT: pre-allocate the gray needed for pop-up menus */
- /* Allocate X colors and initialize color_table[], red_table[], etc */
- for (r = 0; r < _R; r++) {
- for (g = 0; g < _G; g++) {
- for (b = 0; b < _B; b++) {
- red = r * 65535 / (_R-1);
- green = g * 65535 / (_G-1);
- blue = b * 65535 / (_B-1);
- i = _MIX( r, g, b );
- clgd547x_setcolorindex(index,red,green,blue);
- c->color_table[i]=index;
- c->red_table[index] = r * 255 / (_R-1);
- c->green_table[index] = g * 255 / (_G-1);
- c->blue_table[index] = b * 255 / (_B-1);
- index++;
- }
- }
- }
- c->rmult = 255;
- c->gmult = 255;
- c->bmult = 255;
- c->amult = 255;
- /* c->dithered_pf = PF_DITHER;
- c->undithered_pf = PF_LOOKUP; */
- c->pixel = c->color_table[_MIX(_R-1,_G-1,_B-1)]; /* white */
- c->clearpixel = c->color_table[_MIX(0,0,0)]; /* black */
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * return buffer size information
- */
- static void buffer_size( GLuint *width, GLuint *height, GLuint *depth )
- {
- int colors;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: buffer_size(...)\n");
- #endif
- *width = clgd547xMesa->width = clgd547x_getxdim();
- *height = clgd547xMesa->height = clgd547x_getydim();
- *depth = clgd547xMesa->depth;
- }
- /* Set current color index */
- static void set_index( GLuint index )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: set_index(%d)\n",index);
- #endif
- clgd547xMesa->index = index;
- }
- /* Set current drawing color */
- static void set_color( GLubyte red, GLubyte green,
- GLubyte blue, GLubyte alpha )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: set_color(%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",red,green,blue,alpha);
- #endif
- clgd547xMesa->red = red;
- clgd547xMesa->green = green;
- clgd547xMesa->blue = blue;
- }
- /* implements glClearIndex() */
- static void clear_index( GLuint index )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: clear_index(%d)\n",index);
- #endif
- }
- /* implements glClearColor() */
- static void clear_color( GLubyte red, GLubyte green,
- GLubyte blue, GLubyte alpha )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: clear_color(%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",red,green,blue,alpha);
- #endif
- clgd547xMesa->clearr=red;
- clgd547xMesa->clearg=green;
- clgd547xMesa->clearb=blue;
- clgd547xMesa->cleara=alpha;
- /* note: clgd5470 doesn't maintain a separate alpha buffer */
- }
- static void clear( GLboolean all,
- GLint x, GLint y, GLint width, GLint height )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: clear(%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",x,y,width,height);
- #endif
- if (clgd547xMesa->depth==8) {
- clear8c(clgd547xMesa->clearpixel);
- }
- else {
- clear24c(clgd547xMesa->clearr,clgd547xMesa->clearg,
- clgd547xMesa->clearb,clgd547xMesa->cleara);
- }
- }
- static GLboolean index_mask( GLuint mask )
- {
- /* TODO */
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: index_mask(%d)\n",mask);
- #endif
- return GL_FALSE;
- }
- static GLboolean color_mask( GLboolean rmask, GLboolean gmask,
- GLboolean bmask, GLboolean amask)
- {
- /* TODO */
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: color_mask(%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",rmask,gmask,bmask,amask);
- #endif
- return GL_FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * note: logical operations are enabled via glEnable(GL_LOGIC_OP) and
- * are disabled via glDisable(GL_LOGIC_OP);
- */
- static GLboolean logicop( GLenum op )
- {
- uint mfield;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: logicop(%d)\n",op);
- #endif
- #ifdef FALSE_X
- switch (op) {
- case GL_CLEAR: mfield = ALL_ZEROS; break; /* 0 */
- case GL_SET: mfield = ALL_ONES; break; /* 1 */
- case GL_COPY: mfield = A_ONLY; break; /* s */
- case GL_COPY_INVERTED: mfield = ABAR; break; /* !s */
- case GL_NOOP: mfield = B_ONLY; break; /* d */
- case GL_INVERT: mfield = BBAR; break; /* !d */
- case GL_AND: mfield = A_AND_B; break; /* s&d */
- case GL_NAND: mfield = A_NAND_B; break; /* !(s&d) */
- case GL_OR: mfield = A_OR_B; break; /* s|d */
- case GL_NOR: mfield = A_NOR_B; break; /* !(s|d) */
- case GL_XOR: mfield = A_XOR_B; break; /* s^d */
- case GL_EQUIV: mfield = A_XNOR_B; break; /* !(s^d) */
- case GL_AND_REVERSE: mfield = A_AND_BBAR; break; /* s&!d */
- case GL_AND_INVERTED: mfield = ABAR_AND_B; break; /* !s&d */
- case GL_OR_REVERSE: mfield = A_OR_BBAR; break; /* s|!d */
- case GL_OR_INVERTED: mfield = ABAR_OR_B; break; /* !s|d */
- default: return GL_FALSE;
- }
- clgd547x_logicop(mfield);
- #endif
- return GL_TRUE;
- }
- static void dither( GLboolean enable )
- {
- /* TODO */
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: dither\n");
- #endif
- /* no-op */
- }
- void set_depth_func(GLenum func)
- {
- /* Mondello's depth buffer is broken, and wasn't fixed for the revision
- * I (PFM) have. It's possible to work around it, but not fun. The
- * default mode works fine. See mondello/graphics.c, #define FN(z) for
- * an idea of what's taken to fix it
- */
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: set_depth_func\n");
- #endif
- switch (func) {
- case GL_NEVER:
- case GL_LESS: /* (default) pass if incoming z < stored z */
- case GL_GEQUAL:
- case GL_LEQUAL:
- case GL_GREATER:
- case GL_EQUAL:
- case GL_ALWAYS:
- CC.NewState |= NEW_RASTER_OPS;
- break;
- default:
- gl_error( GL_INVALID_ENUM, "glDepth.Func" );
- }
- }
- /*
- * set the buffer used in double buffering
- */
- static GLboolean set_buffer( GLenum mode )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: set_buffer(%d)\n",mode);
- #endif
- if (!clgd547xMesa->db_flag) {
- return GL_FALSE;
- }
- if (mode==GL_FRONT) {
- clgd547x_setBuffer(0);
- }
- else if (mode==GL_BACK) {
- clgd547x_setBuffer(1);
- }
- else {
- return GL_FALSE;
- }
- return GL_TRUE;
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /***** Rasterization *****/
- /**********************************************************************/
- /********************* points ***************************************/
- /*
- pv is the "provoking vertex". This is the vertex that determines
- the color of flat lines/polygons
- */
- #define POINT_CLIP(x,y) if (x<0 || x>>CC.BufferWidth || \
- y<0 || y>>CC.BufferWidth) return;
- static points_func choose_points_function( void )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: choose_points_function()\n");
- #endif
- if (CC.RenderMode!=GL_RENDER) {
- /* either in selection or feedback mode */
- return NULL;
- }
- if (CC.Texture.Enabled) {
- return NULL_points; /* no texturing yet */
- }
- if (CC.Point.Size==1.0) {
- /* non-texture mapped, size=1 */
- if (CC.RGBAflag)
- return CC.MonoPixels ? mono_size1_rgba_points : size1_rgba_points;
- else
- return CC.MonoPixels ? mono_size1_ci_points : size1_ci_points;
- }
- else {
- /* non-texture mapped, any size */
- if (CC.RGBAflag)
- return CC.MonoPixels ? mono_sizen_rgba_points : sizen_rgba_points;
- else
- return CC.MonoPixels ? mono_sizen_ci_points : sizen_ci_points;
- }
- }
- /*
- * This function is called to skip drawing points the driver
- * doesn't know how to handle (i.e. texture mapped points)
- */
- static void NULL_points( GLuint first, GLuint last)
- {
- return;
- }
- static void mono_size1_rgba_points( GLuint first, GLuint last)
- {
- GLuint i;
- GLint shift = CC.ColorShift;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: mono_size1_rgba_points(...)\n");
- #endif
- for (i=first;i<=last;i++) {
- if (VB.Unclipped[i]) {
- GLint x, y, z;
- GLint red, green, blue, alpha;
- x = (GLint) VB.Win[i][0];
- y = (GLint) VB.Win[i][1];
- z = (GLint) (VB.Win[i][2] * DEPTH_SCALE);
- point24_3c( x, FLIP(y), z,
- clgd547xMesa->red>>shift,clgd547xMesa->green>>shift,
- clgd547xMesa->blue>>shift,clgd547xMesa->alpha>>shift);
- }
- }
- }
- static void size1_rgba_points( GLuint first, GLuint last)
- {
- GLuint i;
- GLint shift = CC.ColorShift;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: size1_rgba_points(...)\n");
- #endif
- for (i=first;i<=last;i++) {
- if (VB.Unclipped[i]) {
- GLint x, y, z;
- GLint red, green, blue, alpha;
- x = (GLint) VB.Win[i][0];
- y = (GLint) VB.Win[i][1];
- z = (GLint) (VB.Win[i][2] * DEPTH_SCALE);
- red = VB.Color[i][0] >> shift;
- green = VB.Color[i][1] >> shift;
- blue = VB.Color[i][2] >> shift;
- alpha = VB.Color[i][3] >> shift;
- point24_3c( x, FLIP(y), z, red, green, blue, alpha );
- }
- }
- }
- static void mono_size1_ci_points( GLuint first, GLuint last)
- {
- GLuint i;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: mono_size1_ci_points(...)\n");
- #endif
- for (i=first;i<=last;i++) {
- if (VB.Unclipped[i]) {
- GLint x, y, z;
- GLfloat r,g,b;
- x = (GLint) VB.Win[i][0];
- y = (GLint) VB.Win[i][1];
- z = (GLint) (VB.Win[i][2] * DEPTH_SCALE);
- point8_3c( x, FLIP(y), z, clgd547xMesa->index );
- }
- }
- }
- static void size1_ci_points( GLuint first, GLuint last)
- {
- GLuint i;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: size1_ci_points(...)\n");
- #endif
- for (i=first;i<=last;i++) {
- if (VB.Unclipped[i]) {
- GLint x, y, z;
- GLfloat r,g,b;
- x = (GLint) VB.Win[i][0];
- y = (GLint) VB.Win[i][1];
- z = (GLint) (VB.Win[i][2] * DEPTH_SCALE);
- r = VB.Color[i][0];
- g = VB.Color[i][1];
- b = VB.Color[i][2];
- point8_3c( x, FLIP(y), z, LOOKUP(r,g,b) );
- }
- }
- }
- static void mono_sizen_rgba_points( GLuint first, GLuint last)
- {
- GLuint i;
- GLint isize;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: mono_sizen_rgba_points(...)\n");
- #endif
- isize = (GLint) (CLAMP(CC.Point.Size,MIN_POINT_SIZE,MAX_POINT_SIZE) + 0.5F);
- for (i=first;i<=last;i++) {
- if (VB.Unclipped[i]) {
- GLint x, y, z;
- GLint x0, x1, y0, y1;
- GLint ix, iy;
- x = (GLint) VB.Win[i][0];
- y = FLIP((GLint) VB.Win[i][1]);
- z = (GLint) (VB.Win[i][2] * DEPTH_SCALE);
- if (isize&1) {
- /* odd size */
- x0 = x - isize/2;
- x1 = x + isize/2;
- y0 = y - isize/2;
- y1 = y + isize/2;
- }
- else {
- /* even size */
- x0 = (GLint) (x + 0.5F) - isize/2;
- x1 = x0 + isize-1;
- y0 = (GLint) (y + 0.5F) - isize/2;
- y1 = y0 + isize-1;
- }
- clearArea24_3c( x0, y0, x1, y1, z,
- clgd547xMesa->red,
- clgd547xMesa->green,
- clgd547xMesa->blue,
- clgd547xMesa->alpha);
- }
- }
- }
- static void sizen_rgba_points( GLuint first, GLuint last)
- {
- GLuint i;
- GLint isize;
- GLint shift = CC.ColorShift;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: sizen_rgba_points(...)\n");
- #endif
- isize = (GLint) (CLAMP(CC.Point.Size,MIN_POINT_SIZE,MAX_POINT_SIZE) + 0.5F);
- for (i=first;i<=last;i++) {
- if (VB.Unclipped[i]) {
- GLint x, y, z;
- GLint x0, x1, y0, y1;
- GLint ix, iy;
- x = (GLint) VB.Win[i][0];
- y = FLIP((GLint) VB.Win[i][1]);
- z = (GLint) (VB.Win[i][2] * DEPTH_SCALE);
- if (isize&1) {
- /* odd size */
- x0 = x - isize/2;
- x1 = x + isize/2;
- y0 = y - isize/2;
- y1 = y + isize/2;
- }
- else {
- /* even size */
- x0 = (GLint) (x + 0.5F) - isize/2;
- x1 = x0 + isize-1;
- y0 = (GLint) (y + 0.5F) - isize/2;
- y1 = y0 + isize-1;
- }
- clearArea24_3c( x0, y0, x1, y1, z,
- VB.Color[i][0] >> shift,
- VB.Color[i][1] >> shift,
- VB.Color[i][2] >> shift,
- VB.Color[i][3] >> shift );
- }
- }
- }
- static void mono_sizen_ci_points( GLuint first, GLuint last)
- {
- GLuint i;
- GLint isize;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: mono_sizen_ci_points(...)\n");
- #endif
- isize = (GLint) (CLAMP(CC.Point.Size,MIN_POINT_SIZE,MAX_POINT_SIZE) + 0.5F);
- for (i=first;i<=last;i++) {
- if (VB.Unclipped[i]) {
- GLint x, y, z;
- GLint x0, x1, y0, y1;
- GLint ix, iy;
- x = (GLint) VB.Win[i][0];
- y = FLIP((GLint) VB.Win[i][1]);
- z = (GLint) (VB.Win[i][2] * DEPTH_SCALE);
- if (isize&1) {
- /* odd size */
- x0 = x - isize/2;
- x1 = x + isize/2;
- y0 = y - isize/2;
- y1 = y + isize/2;
- }
- else {
- /* even size */
- x0 = (GLint) (x + 0.5F) - isize/2;
- x1 = x0 + isize-1;
- y0 = (GLint) (y + 0.5F) - isize/2;
- y1 = y0 + isize-1;
- }
- clearArea8_3c( x0, y0, x1, y1, z, clgd547xMesa->index);
- }
- }
- }
- static void sizen_ci_points( GLuint first, GLuint last)
- {
- GLuint i;
- GLint isize;
- GLint shift = CC.ColorShift;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: sizen_ci_points(...)\n");
- #endif
- isize = (GLint) (CLAMP(CC.Point.Size,MIN_POINT_SIZE,MAX_POINT_SIZE) + 0.5F);
- for (i=first;i<=last;i++) {
- if (VB.Unclipped[i]) {
- GLint x, y, z;
- GLint x0, x1, y0, y1;
- GLint ix, iy;
- x = (GLint) VB.Win[i][0];
- y = FLIP((GLint) VB.Win[i][1]);
- z = (GLint) (VB.Win[i][2] * DEPTH_SCALE);
- if (isize&1) {
- /* odd size */
- x0 = x - isize/2;
- x1 = x + isize/2;
- y0 = y - isize/2;
- y1 = y + isize/2;
- }
- else {
- /* even size */
- x0 = (GLint) (x + 0.5F) - isize/2;
- x1 = x0 + isize-1;
- y0 = (GLint) (y + 0.5F) - isize/2;
- y1 = y0 + isize-1;
- }
- clearArea8_3c( x0, y0, x1, y1, z, VB.Index[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- /********************* lines ***************************************/
- static line_func choose_line_function( void )
- {
- line_func t;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: choose_line_function()\n");
- #endif
- if (CC.RenderMode!=GL_RENDER) {
- /* either in selection or feedback mode */
- return NULL;
- }
- if (CC.Texture.Enabled) {
- return NULL_line; /* texturing isn't supported */
- }
- /* non-texture mapped lines */
- if (CC.Line.SmoothFlag) {
- /* smooth shaded */
- t=CC.RGBAflag ? size1_rgba_smooth_line : size1_ci_smooth_line;
- }
- else {
- /* flat shaded */
- if (CC.RGBAflag)
- t=CC.MonoPixels ? mono_size1_rgba_flat_line : size1_rgba_flat_line;
- else
- t=CC.MonoPixels ? mono_size1_ci_flat_line : size1_ci_flat_line;
- }
- if (CC.Line.Width!=1.0) {
- CC.LineFunc2=t; /* flat/smooth line func called inside sizen_line */
- return sizen_line;
- }
- return t;
- }
- /*
- * this function is called for lines that aren't supported by the
- * driver (i.e. texturing)
- */
- static void NULL_line(GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv)
- {
- return;
- }
- static void size1_rgba_smooth_line(GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: size1_rgba_smooth_line(...)\n");
- #endif
- line24_3s((uint)VB.Win[v1][0],FLIP((uint)VB.Win[v1][1]),(uint)(VB.Win[v1][2]*DEPTH_SCALE),
- (uint)VB.Color[v1][0],(uint)VB.Color[v1][1],(uint)VB.Color[v1][2],(uint)VB.Color[v1][3],
- (uint)VB.Win[v2][0],FLIP((uint)VB.Win[v2][1]),(uint)(VB.Win[v2][2]*DEPTH_SCALE),
- (uint)VB.Color[v2][0],(uint)VB.Color[v2][1],(uint)VB.Color[v2][2],(uint)VB.Color[v2][3]);
- }
- static void size1_ci_smooth_line( GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: size1_ci_smooth_line(...)\n");
- #endif
- line8_3s((uint)VB.Win[v1][0],FLIP((uint)VB.Win[v1][1]),
- (uint)(VB.Win[v1][2]*DEPTH_SCALE),(uint)VB.Index[v1],
- (uint)VB.Win[v2][0],FLIP((uint)VB.Win[v2][1]),
- (uint)(VB.Win[v2][2]*DEPTH_SCALE),(uint)VB.Index[v2]);
- }
- static void mono_size1_rgba_flat_line( GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: mono_size1_rgba_flat_line(...)\n");
- #endif
- line24_3fc((uint)VB.Win[v1][0],FLIP((uint)VB.Win[v1][1]),(uint)(VB.Win[v1][2]*DEPTH_SCALE),
- (uint)VB.Win[v2][0],FLIP((uint)VB.Win[v2][1]),(uint)(VB.Win[v2][2]*DEPTH_SCALE),
- clgd547xMesa->red,clgd547xMesa->green,
- clgd547xMesa->blue,clgd547xMesa->alpha);
- }
- static void size1_rgba_flat_line( GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: size1_rgba_flat_line(...)\n");
- #endif
- line24_3fc((uint)VB.Win[v1][0],FLIP((uint)VB.Win[v1][1]),(uint)(VB.Win[v1][2]*DEPTH_SCALE),
- (uint)VB.Win[v2][0],FLIP((uint)VB.Win[v2][1]),(uint)(VB.Win[v2][2]*DEPTH_SCALE),
- (uint)VB.Color[pv][0],(uint)VB.Color[pv][1],
- (uint)VB.Color[pv][2],(uint)VB.Color[pv][3]);
- }
- static void mono_size1_ci_flat_line( GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: mono_size1_ci_flat_line(...)\n");
- #endif
- line8_3fc((uint)VB.Win[v1][0],FLIP((uint)VB.Win[v1][1]),(uint)(VB.Win[v1][2]*DEPTH_SCALE),
- (uint)VB.Win[v2][0],FLIP((uint)VB.Win[v2][1]),(uint)(VB.Win[v2][2]*DEPTH_SCALE),
- clgd547xMesa->index);
- }
- static void size1_ci_flat_line( GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: size1_ci_flat_line(...)\n");
- #endif
- line8_3fc((uint)VB.Win[v1][0],FLIP((uint)VB.Win[v1][1]),(uint)(VB.Win[v1][2]*DEPTH_SCALE),
- (uint)VB.Win[v2][0],FLIP((uint)VB.Win[v2][1]),(uint)(VB.Win[v2][2]*DEPTH_SCALE),
- (uint)VB.Index[pv]);
- }
- static void sizen_line(GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv)
- {
- GLint width, w0, wi, s1, s2;
- GLint x1, y1, x2, y2;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: sizen_line(...)\n");
- #endif
- x1=VB.Win[v1][0];
- y1=VB.Win[v1][1];
- x2=VB.Win[v2][0];
- y2=VB.Win[v2][1];
- /* calculate width */
- width = (GLint) CLAMP( CC.Line.Width, MIN_LINE_WIDTH, MAX_LINE_WIDTH );
- w0 = -width / 2;
- if ( ABSI(y2-y1) < ABSI(x2-x1) ) { /* dx < dy */
- /* Y-major: duplicate pixels in X direction */
- /* should the vertices be invariant? -PFM */
- VB.Win[v1][0]-=w0;
- VB.Win[v2][0]-=w0;
- for (wi=0;wi<width;wi++) {
- CC.LineFunc2(v1,v2,pv);
- VB.Win[v1][0]++;
- VB.Win[v2][0]++;
- }
- VB.Win[v1][0]=x1;
- VB.Win[v2][0]=x2;
- }
- else { /* dx > dy */
- /* X-major: duplicate pixels in Y direction */
- /* should the verices be invariant? -PFM */
- VB.Win[v1][1]-=w0;
- VB.Win[v2][1]-=w0;
- for (wi=0;wi<width;wi++) {
- CC.LineFunc2(v1,v2,pv);
- VB.Win[v1][1]++;
- VB.Win[v2][1]++;
- }
- VB.Win[v1][1]=y1;
- VB.Win[v2][1]=y2;
- }
- }
- /********************* polygons ***************************************/
- static polygon_func choose_polygon_function( void )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: choose_polygon_function(...)\n");
- #endif
- if (CC.RenderMode!=GL_RENDER) {
- /* either in selection or feedback mode */
- return NULL;
- }
- if (CC.Texture.Enabled) {
- return NULL_polygon; /* texturing isn't supported */
- }
- if (CC.Light.ShadeModel==GL_SMOOTH) {
- /* smooth shaded, no texturing */
- if (clgd547xMesa->depth==8)
- return CC.RGBAflag ? dith_smooth_polygon : ci_smooth_polygon;
- else
- return rgba_smooth_polygon;
- }
- else {
- /* flat shaded, no texturing */
- if (clgd547xMesa->depth==8) {
- if (CC.RGBAflag) /* 8bpp dithered */
- return dith_flat_polygon;
- else
- return CC.MonoPixels ? mono_ci_flat_polygon : ci_flat_polygon;
- }
- else {
- return CC.MonoPixels ? mono_rgba_flat_polygon : rgba_flat_polygon;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * this function is called for polygons we don't support (i.e. textures)
- */
- static void NULL_polygon( GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv)
- {
- return;
- }
- static void rgba_smooth_polygon( GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv)
- {
- int v;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: rgba_smooth_polygon(...)\n");
- #endif
- if (n<3)
- return;
- for(v=0; v <= n-3; v++) {
- #define v0 vlist[0]
- #define v1 vlist[v+1]
- #define v2 vlist[v+2]
- triangle24_3sv(v0,v1,v2);
- }
- }
- static void dith_smooth_polygon( GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv )
- {
- int v;
- #define SHIFT CC.ColorShift
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: dith_smooth_polygon()\n");
- #endif
- if (n<3)
- return;
- for(v=0; v <= n-3; v++) {
- triangle8_3sv(v0,v1,v2);
- }
- }
- static void ci_smooth_polygon( GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv )
- {
- int v;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: ci_smooth_polygon(%d,%d,%d)\n",
- VB.Index[v0],VB.Index[v1],VB.Index[v2]);
- #endif
- if (n<3)
- return;
- for(v=0; v <= n-3; v++) {
- triangle8_3sv(v0,v1,v2);
- }
- }
- static void mono_rgba_flat_polygon( GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv)
- {
- int v;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: mono_rgba_flat_polygon(...)\n");
- #endif
- for(v=0; v <= n-3; v++) {
- triangle24_3fcv(v0,v1,v2,pv);
- }
- }
- static void rgba_flat_polygon( GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv)
- {
- int v;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: rgba_flat_polygon(...)\n");
- #endif
- for(v=0; v <= n-3; v++) {
- triangle24_3fcv(v0,v1,v2,pv);
- }
- }
- static void dith_flat_polygon( GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv)
- {
- int v;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: dith_flat_polygon(...)\n");
- #endif
- for(v=0; v <= n-3; v++) {
- triangle8_3fcv(v0,v1,v2,pv);
- }
- }
- static void mono_ci_flat_polygon(GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv )
- {
- int v;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: mono_ci_flat_polygon(%d,%d,%d)\n",VB.Color[pv][0],VB.Color[pv][1],VB.Color[pv][2]);
- #endif
- for(v=0; v <= n-3; v++) {
- triangle8_3fcv(v0,v1,v2,pv);
- }
- }
- static void ci_flat_polygon( GLuint n, GLuint vlist[], GLuint pv )
- {
- int v;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: ci_flat_polygon(%d,%d,%d)\n",VB.Color[pv][0],VB.Color[pv][1],VB.Color[pv][2]);
- #endif
- for(v=0; v <= n-3; v++) {
- triangle8_3fcv(v0,v1,v2,pv);
- }
- }
- /**************** 3D depth buffer functions *******************************/
- /* this is a no-op, since the z-buffer is in hardware */
- void alloc_depth_buffer( void )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: alloc_depth_buffer()\n");
- #endif
- }
- void read_depth_span( GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y, GLfloat depth[] )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: read_depth_span()\n");
- #endif
- }
- /***************** 3D span functions **************************************/
- void write_index_span_z( GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y, GLdepth z[],
- GLuint index[], GLenum primitive )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: write_index_span_z()\n");
- #endif
- }
- void write_monoindex_span_z( GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y, GLdepth z[],
- GLuint index, GLenum primitive )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: write_monoindex_span_z()\n");
- #endif
- }
- void write_color_span_z( GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y, GLdepth z[],
- GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],
- GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[],
- GLenum primitive )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: write_color_span_z()\n");
- #endif
- }
- void write_monocolor_span_z( GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y, GLdepth z[],
- GLint r, GLint g, GLint b, GLint a,
- GLenum primitive )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: write_monocolor_span_z()\n");
- #endif
- }
- void write_texture_span_z( GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y, GLdepth z[],
- GLfloat s[], GLfloat t[],
- GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],
- GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[],
- GLenum primitive )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: write_texture_span_z(...)\n");
- #endif
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /***** Write spans of pixels *****/
- /**********************************************************************/
- static void write_index_span( GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const GLuint index[],
- const GLubyte mask[] )
- {
- int i;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: write_index_span(...)\n");
- #endif
- y = FLIP(y);
- for (i=0;i<n;i++,x++) {
- if (mask[i]) {
- /* clgd547x_setcolor( index[i] );
- clgd547x_drawpixel( x, y );
- */
- }
- }
- }
- static void write_monoindex_span(GLuint n,GLint x,GLint y,const GLubyte mask[])
- {
- int i;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: write_monoindex_span(...)\n");
- #endif
- y = FLIP(y);
- /* use current color index */
- for (i=0;i<n;i++,x++) {
- if (mask[i]) {
- /* clgd547x_drawpixel( x, y, clgd547xMesa->index ); */
- }
- }
- }
- static void write_color_span( GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const GLubyte red[], const GLubyte green[],
- const GLubyte blue[], const GLubyte alpha[],
- const GLubyte mask[] )
- {
- int i;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: write_color_span(...)\n");
- #endif
- y=FLIP(y);
- if (mask) {
- /* draw some pixels */
- for (i=0; i<n; i++, x++) {
- if (mask[i]) {
- /* clgd547x_drawpixel( x, y, red[i], green[i], blue[i]);
- */
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- /* draw all pixels */
- for (i=0; i<n; i++, x++) {
- /* clgd547x_drawpixel( x, y, red[i], green[i], blue[i]);
- */
- }
- }
- }
- static void write_monocolor_span( GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const GLubyte mask[])
- {
- int i;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: write_monocolor_span(...)\n");
- #endif
- y=FLIP(y);
- /* use current rgb color */
- for (i=0; i<n; i++, x++) {
- /* if (mask[i]) {
- clgd547x_drawpixel( x, y,
- clgd547xMesa->red, clgd547xMesa->green,clgd547xMesa->blue );
- }
- */
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /***** Read spans of pixels *****/
- /**********************************************************************/
- static void read_index_span( GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y, GLuint index[])
- {
- int i;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: read_index_span()\n");
- #endif
- y = FLIP(y);
- for (i=0; i<n; i++,x++) {
- /* index[i] = clgd547x_getpixel( x, y ); */
- }
- }
- static void read_color_span( GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],
- GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[] )
- {
- int i;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: read_color_span()\n");
- #endif
- for (i=0; i<n; i++, x++) {
- /* TODO */
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /***** Write arrays of pixels *****/
- /**********************************************************************/
- static void write_index_pixels( GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- const GLuint index[], const GLubyte mask[] )
- {
- int i;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: write_index_pixel(...)\n");
- #endif
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (mask[i]) {
- /* clgd547x_drawpixel( x[i], FLIP(y[i]), index[i] );
- */
- }
- }
- }
- static void write_monoindex_pixels( GLuint n,
- const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- const GLubyte mask[] )
- {
- int i;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: write_monoindex_pixels(...)\n");
- #endif
- /* use current color index */
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- /* if (mask[i]) {
- clgd547x_drawpixel( x[i], FLIP(y[i]), clgd547xMesa->index );
- }
- */
- }
- }
- static void write_color_pixels( GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- const GLubyte r[], const GLubyte g[],
- const GLubyte b[], const GLubyte a[],
- const GLubyte mask[] )
- {
- int i;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: write_color_pixels(...)\n");
- #endif
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- /* if (mask[i]) {
- clgd547x_drawpixel( x[i], FLIP(y[i]), r[i], g[i], b[i] );
- }
- */
- }
- }
- static void write_monocolor_pixels( GLuint n,
- const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- const GLubyte mask[] )
- {
- int i;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: write_monocolor_pixels(...)\n");
- #endif
- /* use current rgb color */
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- /* if (mask[i]) {
- clgd547x_drawpixel( x[i], FLIP(y[i]),
- clgd547xMesa->red, clgd547xMesa->green, clgd547xMesa->blue );
- }
- */
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /***** Read arrays of pixels *****/
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Read an array of color index pixels. */
- static void read_index_pixels( GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- GLuint index[], const GLubyte mask[] )
- {
- int i;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: read_index_pixels(...)\n");
- #endif
- for (i=0; i<n; i++,x++) {
- /* index[i] = clgd547x_getpixel( x[i], FLIP(y[i]) ); */
- }
- }
- static void read_color_pixels( GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],
- GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[],
- const GLubyte mask[] )
- {
- /* TODO */
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: read_color_pixels(...)\n");
- #endif
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- static void clgd547x_mesa_setup_dd_pointers( void )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: clgd547x_mesa_setup_dd_pointers()\n");
- #endif
- /* Initialize all the pointers in the DD struct. Do this whenever */
- /* a new context is made current or we change buffers via set_buffer! */
- DD.finish = clgd547x_finish;
- DD.flush = clgd547x_flush;
- DD.clear_index = clear_index;
- DD.clear_color = clear_color;
- DD.clear = clear;
- DD.index = set_index;
- DD.color = set_color;
- DD.index_mask = index_mask;
- DD.color_mask = color_mask;
- DD.logicop = logicop;
- DD.dither = dither;
- DD.set_buffer = set_buffer;
- DD.buffer_size = buffer_size;
- DD.alloc_depth_buffer = alloc_depth_buffer;
- DD.clear_depth_buffer = clgd547x_clearDepthBuffer;
- /* DD.set_depth_func = set_depth_func; */
- DD.read_depth_span = read_depth_span;
- DD.get_points_func = choose_points_function;
- DD.get_line_func = choose_line_function;
- DD.get_polygon_func = choose_polygon_function;
- /*
- DD.write_index_span_z = write_index_span_z;
- DD.write_monoindex_span_z = write_monoindex_span_z;
- DD.write_color_span_z = write_color_span_z;
- DD.write_monocolor_span_z = write_monocolor_span_z;
- DD.write_texture_span_z = write_texture_span_z;
- */
- /* Pixel/span writing functions: */
- /* TODO: use different funcs for 8, 16, 32-bit depths */
- DD.write_color_span = write_color_span;
- DD.write_monocolor_span = write_monocolor_span;
- DD.write_color_pixels = write_color_pixels;
- DD.write_monocolor_pixels = write_monocolor_pixels;
- DD.write_index_span = write_index_span;
- DD.write_monoindex_span = write_monoindex_span;
- DD.write_index_pixels = write_index_pixels;
- DD.write_monoindex_pixels = write_monoindex_pixels;
- /* Pixel/span reading functions: */
- /* TODO: use different funcs for 8, 16, 32-bit depths */
- DD.read_index_span = read_index_span;
- DD.read_color_span = read_color_span;
- DD.read_index_pixels = read_index_pixels;
- DD.read_color_pixels = read_color_pixels;
- }
- /*
- * Create a new VGA/Mesa context and return a handle to it.
- */
- clgd547xMesaContext clgd547xMesaCreateContext( void )
- {
- clgd547xMesaContext ctx;
- GLfloat redscale, greenscale, bluescale, alphascale;
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: clgd547xMesaCreateContext()\n");
- #endif
- ctx = (clgd547xMesaContext) malloc( sizeof(struct clgd547x_mesa_context) );
- ctx->width = clgd547x_getxdim();
- ctx->height = clgd547x_getydim();
- ctx->db_flag = GL_TRUE; /* double buffering */
- ctx->depth = clgd547x_getdepth();
- /* RGB mode -- this is what you want for the demos -TODO - PFM*/
- if (GL_TRUE) {
- ctx->rgb_flag = GL_TRUE;
- redscale = greenscale = bluescale = alphascale = 255.0;
- setup_dithered_color(ctx);
- }
- else {
- ctx->rgb_flag = GL_FALSE;
- redscale = greenscale = bluescale = alphascale = 0.0;
- }
- ctx->glctx = gl_new_context( ctx->rgb_flag,
- redscale, greenscale, bluescale, alphascale,
- ctx->db_flag, NULL );
- ctx->index = 1;
- ctx->red = ctx->green = ctx->blue = 255;
- return ctx;
- }
- /*
- * Destroy the given VGA/Mesa context.
- */
- void clgd547xMesaDestroyContext( clgd547xMesaContext ctx )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: clgd547xMesaDestroyContext()\n");
- #endif
- if (ctx) {
- gl_destroy_context( ctx->glctx );
- free( ctx );
- if (ctx==clgd547xMesa) {
- clgd547xMesa = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Make the specified VGA/Mesa context the current one.
- */
- void clgd547xMesaMakeCurrent( clgd547xMesaContext ctx )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: clgd547xMesaMakeCurrent()\n");
- #endif
- clgd547xMesa = ctx;
- gl_set_context( ctx->glctx );
- clgd547x_mesa_setup_dd_pointers();
- gl_viewport( 0, 0, ctx->width, ctx->height );
- setMondelloHeight(ctx->height);
- }
- /*
- * Return a handle to the current VGA/Mesa context.
- */
- clgd547xMesaContext clgd547xMesaGetCurrentContext( void )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_CMESA
- printf("cmesa: clgd547xMesaContext()\n");
- #endif
- return clgd547xMesa;
- }
- #else
- /*
- * Need this to provide at least one external definition.
- */
- int gl_clgd547x_dummy_function(void)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- #endif /* MONDELLO */